Journey To Gut Health

Starting today, I will be sharing my journey to gut health. It is time to prioritize my health in this way. My hope is that I can help those who suffer from IBS, Crohn’s, Ulcerative and Lymphocytic Colitis through my journey. I personally have Lymphocytic Colitis.

Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is virtual to the prevention of inflammatory gastrointestinal disease and reduces one’s risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The foods you eat can aide in maintaining a healthy gut microbiome. You want to feed the good gut bacteria.
It is also important to determine what foods to avoid. Of course, there are some general guidelines:

  • Avoid processed foods.
  • Avoid fast food.
  • Avoid fried foods.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners.
  • Limit red meat.
  • Limit real sugar.
  • Limit alcohol.

Each person’s gut microbiome is different and requires a specialized program for balance. To find out how your body functions at it’s best requires an awareness. Keeping a food diary is highly recommended. Another approach is called a cleanse. Remove the most common causes of inflammation; dairy, gluten, soy, corn and night shade vegetables (eggplant,peppers,tomatoes, potatoes and tomatillos) for 30 days and then slowly introduce one at a time for 2-3 days.

I will be doing the cleanse starting tomorrow to pinpoint which foods to avoid or eat in moderation. As well as continuing with a daily Pre-Probiotic, fiber supplement (Citrucel) and Kombucha drink. Will start implementing essential oils into my care, with peppermint oil for abdominal pain and Doterra DigestZen
( a blend of oils). Fingers crossed I gain some clarity and relief.

I will be doing the cleanse starting tomorrow to pinpoint which foods to avoid or eat in moderation. As well as continuing with a daily Pre-Probiotic, fiber supplement (Citrucel) and Kombucha drink. Will start implementing essential oils into my care, with peppermint oil for abdominal pain and Doterra DigestZen
( a blend of oils). DigestZen comes highly recommended from a friend and longtime Doterra customer. She is now a consultant. Take a look at the Doterra DigestZen video below. Fingers crossed I gain some clarity and relief from digestive discomfort. Please share your experience, should you decide to try.